[Energy] Condominiums & Housing

Howard Park

38 HOWARD PARK The second phase of the Howard Park development adds 90 luxurious condominium units to the existing site with retail at grade. Designed with a friendly and interactive vibe inspired by tradition European courtyards, Howard Park 2 is intended to bring community together while minimizing environmental impact. The building successfully met the Toronto Green Standard Tier 2 requirements. SHARE ON SOCIAL MEDIA 38 HOWARD PARK SHARE ON SOCIAL MEDIA The second phase of the Howard Park development adds 90 luxurious condominium units to the existing site with retail at grade. Designed with a friendly and interactive vibe inspired by tradition European courtyards, Howard Park 2 is intended to bring community together while minimizing environmental impact. The building successfully met the Toronto Green Standard Tier 2 requirements. Project Details: Bike Storage     128 bicycle parking spaces are available at grade for building residents and visitors. Optimizing Urban Heat Island Performance     Using high-albedo surface materials to cover 100% of non-roof hardscape, the development greatly reduces its potential urban heat island effect, making its surrounding environment comfortably cooler. Optimized Irrigation Measures     Using a combination of high-efficiency irrigation systems and drought-tolerant plants contributes to an 82% reduction in water use for irrigation. Recycled Materials     Over 15% of the construction materials used for the development was derived from post and pre-consumer recycled sources by cost, reducing the environmental impact of resource production. Water Efficient Fixtures and Fittings      35% reduction in potable water consumption achieved through installation of low-flow plumbing fixtures. Location: Toronto, ON Scope of Work: Development, Energy, Bit mod Complete Date: 2017

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